Sunday, 6 May 2018


Could it be
so out of my ordinary 
that I would think of 
this place as such.
Wood, and sand
some rocks and
a coral reef regrown
two fish, seaweed 
and a pile of shells I found. 

When this place 
reduces my life to 
simple elements -
glass, stone
metal and plastic. 
Just things,
bereft of intricate meanings 
and high frequency waves
designed to manipulate. 

I will live, for now 
on worn out fishing boats
that stay grounded 
repurposed, recycled,
to carry more weight 
on land
Than they did 
on water.
Miraculous, just being
here, now, 
in this moment. 


Wednesday, 2 May 2018


you cruel thief
You give me
a present
And yet,
all futures come
like the next days torn wrappings,
taking bits of you away
on the coat tails
of sticky tape.
