Sunday, 26 October 2014

And it is on!!

Yes, it is on. After months of ideas thrown out to float on the wind and perish under our sceptical gaze, sketches, Woodland's thali and countless cups of coffee- It is ON! 

What does clay, photography, painting and video have in common? One very important basic thing, they are all tools of expression. An artist, no matter the medium should be able to take these tools and others, to create work that is both meaningful and relevant- art that is conceptually driven.  This applies so very clearly to the new work coming out in 2015, a collaborative project that has taken years to develop. Artist Joyotee Ray Chaudhury and I have been brainstorming over how we can use our creative energies to put out work that is insightful and important to us, without the economics of the art world coming into play. Art for art's sake is what we wanted to do. 

Joyotee is a painter and a photographer. She has been living in Singapore for the better part of two decades and has seen this country invent and reinvent itself over and over again. She is the eye behind the camera, the opinion in the photo and the observer of the social fabric around her. Working in tandem, optimising each other's skills and expertise in our chosen mediums, we have toiled in the studio, experiment after experiment to get it right- to create something new, something that resonates with the ideas in our head rather than remaining just a pretty picture or painting. We hybridised our methods of working, taking something old and expected, and returned it with a twist. 

We are excited, yes we are, because come ArtWeek 2015, we will be there. The Arts House Management in conjunction with the Goodman Arts Centre will be hosting our installation titled, 'Boundaries'. This exhibit will coincide with the week long ArtWeek celebrations in January 2015. 

As our work develops, we will keep you updated, so do join us on our journey as we explore this theme, pushing our own boundaries in terms of materials and our collaboration, both physically and mentally. 

You can find more of Joyotee's work and writing here.


  1. Great news, Maya. All the very best! Jeh.

  2. So excited...yes ets push those boundaries, the mental, physical and the virtual.......lets make it happen.
