Wednesday, 31 May 2017


A missing piece, gone.
The fracture, razor sharp.
Porcelain left splintered,

It is still strong,
This broken cup;
Streaked and cracked,
Containing fluid,
held together by physics.

I am not jagged,
Nor cold
By comparison.
I fill up my missing parts
With skin and cells.

If there could be
a machine to see such parts re-grown,
I might seem to some
like a patchwork in shades of brown,
warmed up from the morning sun.

My thoughts are glue,
And from the ashes I build
Pulling from that land of fragments lost,
those worthy of being up-cycled, reframed
Made back into a cup.

This cup which I hold,
My container and me,
Sustainer, maintainer.
A home, and yet fluid,
Held together by the stuff of stars.


  1. A story or a truth often gets lost in words that sound good. Trying to construct from what most consider worthless is the supreme art of recycilng and giving life to the lifeless.

  2. I like to find the sublime in the mundane. Thanks for your note! ��
